The Perfect Plant for the Aries in Your Life
Aries Season: March 21 - April 19
△ Calathea Orbifolia
Just like that, Aries season is upon us! March 20 is the most important day of the month, astrologically speaking, as it marks the Astrological New Year with Aries as the first sign of the zodiac. This is very fitting because if you know an Aries, you probably know how much they love to go first and their obsession with making a statement. Not being ones to mess around, they are extremely independent and what you see is exactly what you get! This, combined with the fact that it is a fire sign, Aries’ have a tendency to become bored quite quickly, always looking for the next project to keep that fire burning, potentially neglecting current projects in the meantime. However, they don’t waste your time and they will always get straight to the point, sharing their true thoughts and feelings with you. This frankness arises from their high valuation of honesty, which they believe in above all else, and always comes from a meaningful place.
△ Calathea Majestica White Star
With so much intense and passionate energy on hand, channelling this into caring for a houseplant such as the Calathea would be the perfect pairing. Calathea’s will give an Aeries a run for their money as they also love to show off and make a statement - if you have seen the leaves of any Calathea variety you will know exactly what we mean. However, they also symbolize a new beginning and turning over a new leaf, based on how they move throughout the day as the light changes, opening towards the light during the brightest time of day and then closing up as the night falls. Gift a Calathea to an Aries who is starting afresh, whether that be a new job, a new home, or a new phase in their life - you can even gift one to yourself! Who really needs an excuse to give themselves a gift?
△ Calathea Network
Native to the tropical Americas, Calathea is a genus of stunning houseplants that belong to the Marantaceae family and are otherwise known as Prayer Plants, with leaves that come in a variety of shapes, patterns, colours, and textures. Although they have quite a finicky reputation, there are plenty of varieties of Calathea that can grow wonderfully in the home. To keep your plant happy, place it somewhere where it receives plenty of bright, indirect light and water fully when the soil is about half dry, using distilled water, rainwater, or tap water that has sat out overnight. The humidity in the air surrounding your plant is just as important as the moisture in the soil so make sure you are keeping the levels above average through misting, using a pebble tray, or investing in a humidifier! Watch your plant as its leaves move throughout the day and you will see how mesmerizing it can be.
△ Calathea White Fusion
Feel free to look through the different varieties we have available, such as the Calathea Orbifolia, Calathea Makoyana Peacock, Calathea Rosy, or Calathea Network. All varieties grow at an average speed but the greens, purples and vibrant patterns of the leaves can make a huge statemet when grown in the home. Check out our complete Calathea Care Guide and pick up a plant for your Aries loved ones today - we know they won’t be disappointed!